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COVID-19 And Relationships

COVID-19 And Relationships

There are probably going to be a lot of divorces coming from this time of being forced to stay at home, 24/7 together, unless we understand that we are all sick, mentally and emotionally, due to the situation. We must all perceive this as a period of globa...
Red Flags, Do You See Them? Do You Wave Them? Part 1

Red Flags, Do You See Them? Do You Wave Them? Part 1

Reacting emotionally, even to a minor degree, being sensitive to what somebody says and getting upset because you didn't like it, or you felt insulted, has a profound effect on the other person. You may be correct that what they said was inappropriate or, ...
Success is Freedom vs Commitment

Success is Freedom vs Commitment

In our daily life, from the big goals and desires right down to the smaller things we want to have or achieve, failure is far more common than success. Why is that? The reason is, freedom to choose means that our weakest parts will win.  The saying...
Curiosity Killed The Spark

Curiosity Killed The Spark

When your partner is curious about something and you are being evasive, that's going to set up suspicions and doubts. It implies you may be hiding something that you've done wrong. Or, you might just like to keep some secrets or, you don't want to open up ...
Is Destiny Real?

Is Destiny Real?

Destiny is like going on a hike that is a loop trail. At the start of the trail, you have to choose if you will walk the loop clockwise or counter clockwise, do you turn left or right? Your soulmate, for example of destiny, is somewhere ahead on the trail. ...
Too Good To Be True, Run Away!

Too Good To Be True, Run Away!

Many people have come to me with the same problem; ‘Everything seems so perfect with this new person I met, I can’t find anything wrong, so I better leave before I get hurt.’ It’s very common to not be able to figure out what that strange thing is which is ...
Build Positive Energy to Feel Deeper Love

Build Positive Energy to Feel Deeper Love

First of all, we need to clarify that you cannot build positive energy because positive energy is infinite and as natural as your blood. What you can do which appears to increase the positive is to eliminate negative energy. It’s just a balance, as one goes th...
Overcoming the Fear of Love

Overcoming the Fear of Love

First we must make certain assumptions that we accept as truth for the purpose of this article. You can change you opinion after you finish reading, but at least while you read, it will be beneficial. First, that we are fragmented beings and not able to sta...
I Need A Hug

I Need A Hug

There are two ways a human can communicate, with the mind and the intellect or the heart and feelings. The mind is very dangerous because it works with opinions and assumptions. The function of interpretation is very flawed because we think we know what the...
When Will I Learn From My Mistakes

When Will I Learn From My Mistakes

“I never learn from my mistakes.” A sad truth that this article will explain why we continually make the same mistakes again and again. We actually do learn from our mistakes, but we learn bad habits. In every event, we are accumulating knowledge of a proce...